This issue is hotly debated in the gymnastics world, but I wasn't aware of it until I watched the women's gymnastics prelims yesterday. Apparently, there's speculation that some of China's athletes are underage. Currently, rules declare that you must be 16 years old to compete. Do the girls above really look 16??? or even over 10?
Check this New York Times
article for more info.
How do you feel about: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/13/sports/olympics/13beijing.html?scp=1&sq=Lin%20Miaoke%20&st=cse
You never know when it's "Made in China"
Another article about it today in the New York Times. Seems like the US are very bitter about their silver.
We'll I'm 18 and many people would say I look 14-16 so I'm not putting up any assumptions. Most gymnasts are already small and a lot of Chinese are short and occasionally look young for their age. I'm not saying it's not a possibility; I use to do gymnastics at a young age and younger children are incredibly and "naturally" limber so the possibility is defiantly there. There's probably a couple there who aren't the proper age, but I would bet most just naturally look "young".
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