Here's what Fed had to say about the hugging, kissing, jubilant celebrating, etc..
"Well, I mean, the thing is, I can't just hug a stranger when I win singles (smiling). I could, I guess, but it's just not something you do. The guy would go like, Are you crazy or something? I would just rather not do it. I think that's the difficulties, you know, I guess in singles play, that you're all alone on the court. You win, you sit down. Going through the ceremony is quite different. I'm not the type of guy that's going to run up into the stands and start hugging my family and all my people who came. I never did that; I will never do it. It's a different approach to winning. In Davis Cup we've had some crazy moments, you know. People who know me, they know I'm very open and outgoing. It showed today. That's usually how I really am."
They are lovahs.
They are lovahs.
Stan vs. Mirka
Please *lol*. He was excited, they were excited and I don't recall any "kissing", just an exuberant hug and that whole camp fire victory dance. I loved it, I thought it was a blast seeing them so happy! You don't normally get a chance to see Federer like that. It was great :D
And for all we Americans who thought it a little bit weird:...they're European. They're way more comfortable exercising normal emotions of excitement; like hugging for example. *lol* If two women pro tennis players did this, it wouldn't be a big deal. I think it's silly. How Roger and Stan acted was purely "of the moment".
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